Audacity Works
A podcast inspired by and dedicated to the working artist, the creative entrepreneur, and generally, doing the damn thing. This exist for those who have the audacity to believe that their lives have value. This is for you.http://www.rachelstricklandcreative.com/original artwork by the great Dominic Bonuccelli
Audacity Works
Episode 76: Navigating the Tension between Artistic Integrity and being a Generous Performer
Episode 76
Thank you the wonderful Elizabeth Finn for inspiring this episode with her very good question:
How do you navigate the tension between being a generous performer and remaining true to your artistic integrity?
- My obvious first answer which will surprise no one 4:45
- The very first and most important reason I continue to espouse my first obvious answer 5:29
- What the audience REALLY wants from you 5:50
- The unfortunate result that can arise from a pandering performance 6:30
- The Quadruped, which I conceived during the boring patronize-y concert
- How to conquer personal insecurity... If you listen to nothing else I've ever said, please listen to this. 9:00
- A story about how it can be a good thing to give the audience what they want 11:00
- An invitation to you 13:00
- Some encouragement to those making work 15:05
- One more story about when I took some advice from a famous fancy coach that was frankly bad advice I should have ignored 16:33
Don't go back to sleep.
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