Audacity Works

Episode 76: Navigating the Tension between Artistic Integrity and being a Generous Performer

Episode 76

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Thank you the wonderful Elizabeth Finn for inspiring this episode with her very good question:

How do you navigate the tension between being a generous performer and remaining true to your artistic integrity?

  • My obvious first answer which will surprise no one 4:45
  • The very first and most important reason I continue to espouse my first obvious answer 5:29
  • What the audience REALLY wants from you 5:50
  • The unfortunate result that can arise from a pandering performance 6:30
  • The Quadruped, which I conceived during the boring patronize-y concert
  • How to conquer personal insecurity...  If you listen to nothing else I've ever said, please listen to this.  9:00
  • A story about how it can be a good thing to give the audience what they want 11:00
  • An invitation to you 13:00
  • Some encouragement to those making work 15:05
  • One more story about when I took some advice from a famous fancy coach that was frankly bad advice I should have ignored 16:33

Don't go back to sleep.

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