Audacity Works

The Most Powerful Thing You can Do to Build a Strong, Resourceful Community (in the face of competition)

Episode 69

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You have until Friday, February 23rd to join the waitlist for The Audacity Project, Cycle 26!

  • Sweet Retreats at Casa Chango- where I've been all of February
  • The single most powerful thing you can do to grow your community, use your community, and create opportunity (cut to 5:00 if you're in a hurry)
  • Scarcity vs. abundance mindsets- it's not even about the woo, but whichever perspective you choose you are correct
  • yet another way to #UseTheGoodChina
  • Use The Good China Episode 2
  • The Trap of the "Independent Woman" Episode 30
  • What to do if you get distracted by comparisonitis (13:30)
  • The difference between dreams that get accomplished and dreams that float in the ether and dissolve from disuse

Don't go back to sleep.

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