Audacity Works
A podcast inspired by and dedicated to the working artist, the creative entrepreneur, and generally, doing the damn thing. This exist for those who have the audacity to believe that their lives have value. This is for you.http://www.rachelstricklandcreative.com/original artwork by the great Dominic Bonuccelli
Audacity Works
Should you create a Patreon? And all of those questions
Episode 66
Join me for a full-on expose on Patreon, and what it's like to run one and best practices
- The Audacity Project Cycle 26 waitlist is open now! 8 weeks of targeted group coaching for artists and creative entrepreneurs to get their shit together. We're enrolling in late February, and this waitlist is definitely the place to be.
- Do yourself a favor if you're considering a Patreon or any other kind of membership, and listen to this podcast from Shante Cofield.
- Why you being not only willing but THRILLED to run a Patreon for free is the best possible energy to approach creating a Patreon from
- How to set yourself up to succeed and how to handle the logistics of how often to post
- How to use your existing relationship with social media to gauge whether or not creating a Patreon is going to be healthy for you
- The percentages you can expect Patreon to take, and things to keep in mind about the money that comes in from Patreon
- How I allocate the money I earn through Patreon
- And finally, if you'd like to support the bizarre and wonderful shit that comes out of my brain (including this podcast) my Patreon is exactly the place to do that.
Don't go back to sleep.
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